Angry Birds is a video game franchise created by the Finnish company Rovio Entertainment. The sequence focuses on multicolored birds that try to save their eggs from green pigs, their enemies. Inspired by the crushing of the castle, the game has been praised for its successful combination of funny game, comic style, and low price. Its popularity led to large numbers spin-offs, versions of Angry birds that were created for PC and video game consoles, a merchandise market with its characters, a sequence of televised cartoons, and a feature film. In January 2014, there were more than 2 billion downloads on every platforms, including regular and special editions: From July 2015, the sequence games were downloaded more than 3 billion times collectively, becoming the Freemium more Unloaded sequence of all-time games. The original Angry birds were called “one of the most current output games now “, “One of the Great escape successes of 2010 “, and “The biggest success of the mobile app in the world has seen so far “. An animated feature movie based on the sequence was released by Columbia Pictures on May 20, 2016, and the first sequel to the Main series, Angry Birds 2, was released on July 30, 2015.
The first game of the sequence was initially launched in December 2009 for IOS. At that time, the swine flu epidemic was on the news, so the team made the pigs of the enemy birds. [The company has launched the gaming ports for other touchscreen smartphone operating systems, including Android, Symbian and Windows Phone, and PCs.
In 2017, the company valued at $2.25 billion or more, the company called Zynga, which is another game developer rejected the purchase offer of $2.25 billion, which experts say the company is worth more than the price offered.