Mickey Mouse is a fun animal cartoon character and Walt Disney Company mascot. It was created by Walt Disney and UB Iwerks at Walt Disney Studios in 1928. An anthropomorphic mouse that usually wears red shorts, large yellow shoes and white gloves, Mickey is one of the most recognizable figures in the world.
Created as a substitute for a former Disney character, Oswald, the Lucky Bunny, Mickey first appeared on the short plane Crazy, publicly debuting in the short movie Steamboat Willie (1928), one of the first cartoon sound. He continued to appear in more than 130 films, including the concert of the band (1935), The Brave Little Tailor (1938) and Fantasy (1940). Mickey appeared for the first time in short films, nevertheless also occasionally in feature films. Ten of Mickey’s cartoons were nominated for the Oscar for Best Animated short film, one of which, lending a paw, won the prize in 1942. In 1978, Mickey became the first cartoon character to have a star on Hollywood’s sidewalk of fame.
From 1930, Mickey has also been widely featured as a comic-strip character. Its homonymous newspaper strip, first drawn by Floyd Gottfredson, ran for 45 years. Mickey also appeared in comics like Topolino of Disney Italia, MM-Mickey Mouse Mystery Magazine, and wizards off Mickey, and in television sequence like The Mickey Mouse Club (1955 – 1996) and others. It also appears in other media such as video games as well as merchandising and is a character found in Disney parks.
Mickey usually appears next to his girlfriend Minnie Mouse, his pet dog Pluto, his friends Donald Duck and Goofy, and his enemy Peter, among others (see Universe Mickey Mouse). Although originally appeared as a kind and brazen rogue, Mickey was commented with time as a cool guy, usually seen as an honest and Bodacious hero. In 2009, Disney began to reprogram the character again, putting less emphasis on his friendly personality, well-intentioned and reintroducing the most threatening and stubborn aspects of his character, beginning with the video game Epic Mickey.
In August 2018, ABC Television announced a special of 2 hours of Prime Time, the spectacular 90 of Mickey, in honor of the birthday of Mickey 90. On November 18, 2018 “Mickey Mouse 90 Anniversary ” was celebrated every over the world.