The Descendants is an American comedy-drama movie in 2011 directed by Alexander Payne. The script of Payne, NAT Faxon, and Jim Rash is based on the novel 2007 of the alike name as Kaui Hart Hemmings. Movie stars George Clooney, Shailene Woodley, Amara Miller, Beau Bridges, Judy Greer, Matthew Lillard, and Robert Forster, and was released by Fox Searchlight Pictures in the United States in November 18, 2011, after being exhibited at the Toronto 2011 Festival International film.
Descendants Coloring Page
Following the path of the Baron of Terra Matt King, who fights with unexpected occurrences in his monotonous life, the descendants won an Oscar for the best adapted screenplay, and two Golden Globe awards for Best Film-drama and Best Actor-drama by Clooney.
The descendants opened in North America on November 16, 2011 in a limited launch in 29 theatres and raising $1190096 on average $41038 for theatre and tenth place in the box office. The movie then had its wide release on December 9th in 876 theatres and raised $4380138 on average $5000 per theatre and ranking 7 at the box office. The movie was in theatres for 156 days and its biggest premiere in the United States was 2,038 theatres. The movie ended up winning $82584160 nationally and $94659025 internationally for a total of $177243185.