My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is an animated television sequence based on my line of My Little Pony created by the American toy manufacturer and the Hasbro multimedia company. It Has figures and settings developed by Lauren Faust, which sought to create more figures in depth than the stereotyped “Girly ” icons used in previous iterations of the franchise. The sequence began broadcasting on October 10, 2010 in the United States on the network HUB cable channel, which was renamed Discovery Family on October 13, 2014.
Fluttershy is a pink Pegasus yellow-maned based on the Land of Pony “G1 ” Posey. Her Cutie Mark represents her love of nature and talent as an animal keeper. True to her name, she is defined by her timid sweetness; Soft, whispering Voice; and tender, nourishing nature “as described by the author Begin. It Has a extraordinary affinity for animals that permits you to communicate with them. She lives in a secluded Meadow house in Ponyville, where she worries about several forest creatures, such as her “con-and-intentional” pet Bunny Angel Bunny. In large numbers episodes, Fluttershy exhibits an authoritarian personality that emerges every time a friend or an animal is injured, in contrast to his normally fearful and submissive self. His most prominent skill, “The Look “, makes any creature that meets his gaze to become “helpless and moved to meekness ” While he is in effect. Fausto liked to write to Fluttershy the maximum of the figures in the series, because “relataable” fights with fear, which Fausto says brings potential “Not only for a great narrative, nevertheless [also for] great Filmmaking “.