Graduation Cap Coloring Page – A graduate in systems higher education inspired by the French model refers to the first title of university received by an individual. In general, the term graduation is also associated with the idea of vocational training at the technical and scientific level.
The Portuguese-speaking countries usually adopt the term to refer to a complete higher education and that guarantees the holder of the possibility to pursue the profession for which he graduated or to continue his studies at the postgraduate level – such as the improvement and specialization in the molds lato sensu or broad sense, the master’s and doctorate in the molds Stricto Sensu or strict sense, although each country and course have their own specificities.
English-speaking countries usually tend to adopt the term undergraduate studies (which could be translated as “undergraduate studies”) to refer to the graduation meaning cited in the previous paragraphs. In these countries, so-called ” graduate studies” (“graduate studies”) are often required to guarantee the holder the right to pursue certain professions or to continue his studies at Masters or PhD levels.