Shimmer and Shine is an animated sequence of American television created by Farnaz Esnaashari-Charmatz. It airs on Nickelodeon in the United States and the Treehouse in Canada. The sequence is based on an unprecedented 2013 pilot and debuted on Nickelodeon on August 24, 2015. It was renewed for a fourth season of 20 episodes on May 24, 2017.
The first season is defined in the human world and focuses on a young girl named Leah Thompson, who is a friend of a pair of twin sister twins called Shine and Shine. Every day, geniuses give Leah three wishes, nevertheless they often make mistakes. Each episode introduces Leah working together with the geniuses to solve the problems they accidentally cause, every at the alike time keeping the brightness and brightness of a secret from the door of her neighbor and Zac’s best friend.
In the second season, the figures are transported to Zahramay Falls, a magical land where they shine and glow live. Leah reveals the existence of her geniuses to Zac, who is given a genius of his own, called Kaz. Glow and shine continue to bestow Leah’s desires on the falls of Zahramay and friendship with the land sovereign, Princess Samira. The season includes Samira’s pet peacock, Roya, Zeta, a villainous witch, and the Zeta Dragon, Nazboo.