Strawberry Shortcake is a cool animated movie character originally used in greeting cards, nevertheless who was later extended to incorporate dolls, posters, and other products. The Strawberry Shortcake residences also incorporate a toy line of the character’s associates and pets. In addition, the franchise has spawned television specials, lively television Sequence, and Remaining. The franchise is at present owned by the Canadian Young children television company DHX Media and American model leadership company, Iconix Company Group through the sustained company Shortcake IP Holdings LLC.
Characters with their pets and home
A major revamping took place at the characters’ relaunch. Each Pupcake and Custard now belong to Strawberry Shortcake. In Pupcake’s place, a new pet, Shoofly Frog, was brought as Huckleberry Pie’s pet, and Apple Dumplin’ was relaunched as Strawberry Shortcake’s sister. Also, Strawberryland is now divided into “districts” like Cakewalk, Orange Blossom Acres, Huckleberry Briar, and Cookie Corners.
In June 2008, American Greetings publicizes that Hasbro had won the license from Playmates, and with it they would relaunch the collection Once again. The sizable relaunch involving a variety of large redesigns and a reboot of the franchise’s universe. The relaunch started in Summer 2009, with the release of a CGI movie, The Sky’s the Limit, with Anna Cummer voicing Strawberry Shortcake. A TV Sequence, Strawberry Shortcake’s Berry Bitty Adventures, debuted on October 10, 2010, on Discovery Loved ones. 65 episodes were produced.
Item of the 2009 relaunch begun appearing in mid-2009. In 2016, IDW Publishing started freeing an ongoing Strawberry Shortcake comic sequence written by Georgia Ball, with art by Amy Mebberson. Each Ball and Mebberson often called as followers of the Eighties series, with Ball drawing inspiration from girls with “doubts and demanding situations nevertheless their chums back them up and support them.”
The main figures of the show are Strawberry Shortcake, Lemon Meringue, Orange Blossom, Raspberry Torte, Plum Pudding, Blueberry Muffin, and Cherry Jam. Huckleberry Pie, who was reintroduced in the third season of Berry Bitty Adventures, also visits on occasion and Sweet and Sour Grapes, and Apple Dumpling who was broadcasting in the fourth season.
At The New York Toy Fair in 2014, it was discovered that the toy-making license for Strawberry Shortcake had passed from Hasbro to a company called The Bridge Direct, makers of Pinkie Cooper and The Jet Set Pets dolls. The product proven appears to stay with the look of the 2009 Strawberry Shortcake relaunch, which includes several collections of dolls gives pets, doll furniture, and musical Contraptions.