Teen Titans Go! It is an animated American television sequence of aeration in the United States on the Cartoon Network since April 23, 2013, and based on the team of fictional superheroes of DC comics. The sequence was announced after the popularity of the new shorts of the young titans of DC Nation.
Look at a new style of animation, Teen Titans Go! It serves as a comic spin-off with little or no continuity to the previous sequence or any other media in the DC comics franchise. Many DC figures make cameo appearances and are referred to in the background. The original main voice conversion repeats its respective functions again. This sequence explores what the Titans do when they are hanging around the tower.
On March 8, 2018, it was announced that the sequence had been renewed for a fifth season, which aired on June 25, 2018.
A feature film, Teen Titans! For the cinema, it was released in the cinemas on July 27, 2018.
The producers of the sequence are DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Animation, with outsourced animation to Canada at Copernicus Studios and Bardel Entertainment.